Thursday, December 23, 2010


I want to be a writer, but I often struggle with what I want to write about. I get these ideas in my head and try to roll with them, but often times I can't think of the minor details that seem to make up my favorite novels. So does this mean I am being lazy with my writing, or that the stories I am thinking up just do not lend themselves well to being very big books? I mean, I suppose not every novel has to be three hundred pages of small print, and not every good story ever told was done in a novel. Sherlock Holmes, a favorite of mine, is done best when it is a collection of short stories. I wonder sometimes if that is the destiny for some of my better ideas, if they are to be published at all one day.

It takes me back to why I write. I remember as a kid I wanted to write because of the positive experience I got from reading books as a kid. I was a lot more quiet and reserved than I am now, and I took a lot of comfort in the pages of books, and I always wanted to give that back to someone, kid or adult, one day. Naturally, I sucked. I am not ever going to be confused with a person who has a great natural gift for writing, but I do think that some of my ideas are original enough to work. I have a hyper-active imagination, always imagining conversations between characters and slashes of weapons in my mind's eye throughout the day, sometimes vague, sometimes very detailed. I figure these characters deserve to be written down, otherwise they are going to waste. The problem becomes when I have to go beyond the characters, or maybe the problem is I try to go beyond the scope of my imagination's jurisdiction. I find I am very terrible at "making up" stuff when it comes to writing, and I am not sure if this is how it is for many writers, haven't asked any writers.

With that said, I think the time for worrying about what I am going to do in the future as a writer just needs to be ignored for a bit. I don't do enough actual writing, and that is going to change. At least, that's the plan.

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