Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Well, this is random of me.

I have noted recently that my life isn't going exactly as I have wanted it to. That isn't to say that life has been unfair to me or anything, it is just that at 23 years old I am not where I had dreamed of as a kid. I don't have a lot of wisdom I think, but I can feel the slowness of my life overtaking the edges of my mind sometimes. It worries me, and I think it is a legitimate concern. One that I try my best to ignore.

Which brings me to this blog, I don't consider myself very honest with people, even if I rarely lie. I don't share my doubts, my fears, my worries as often as maybe I should. They seem far away if I only let myself think about them, if I don't allow people who care about me to evaluate them and tell me that the monster in my mind isn't as imagined as I'd like to hope. So I am going to make a blog that is likely to be far less doom and gloom than I am making this sounding, it is just my main motivation right now. Fear is after all a very, very powerful motivation to do anything. Maybe if I keep this blog, a journal of sorts, I can start realizing some personal goals by being held accountable via the written word. At least, I can hope.

 The title of this blog comes from the fact that I like the word Achromatic, it is my handle on a few sites around the internet, and "lacking color" could be another way of saying boring, and that sounds about right. My ultimate goal with this blog, if this isn't my last entry that is, is to be a tool that helps me realize my life's dream: to become a successful writer.

But failing that maybe I'll just get in the habit of writing stuff at least once a day and that'd be a good habit to develop or something. I am sounding overly serious, but when you are typing words as they come to you I guess you type how you are thinking.

This should be either completely uneventful or somewhere slightly to the left of completely uneventful either way.

- Chris

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